HISD is joining WISD to benefit the Texas High School Coaches Educational Foundation. All proceeds will be given to the THSCEF for athletes and coaches who are experiencing hardships. Come out and see some great football and support a great cause.
over 1 year ago, Kellie Harris
Whitesboro Scrimmage Fundraiser Details
Fundraiser Venmo Information
Welcome Back to the 2023–2024 school year! We are excited to see all the students return tomorrow. Please take a few minutes to click the link below for the August Henrietta Hometown newsletter. I plan to send out a newsletter monthly to keep you updated on what is happening in Henrietta ISD. Jaime Clark Superintendent of Schools https://www.smore.com/u9h0r
over 1 year ago, Kellie Harris
August Henrietta Hometown Newsletter Graphic.