Nominate Someone Today

Click the button below to nominate a staff member for the GOLD Standard award! This award recognizes those who go above and beyond in Guiding Students, Opening Doors, being Life-Long Learners, and showing Dedication to Excellence. Help us celebrate their hard work!



Bearcat Football Players

Bearcat Football PLayers

HES Student

HHS Student

HES Stident

HES Student

HHS Student

High School Trio


HHS Students

HHS Student Group

HES Student

HES Student 2


Mr. Terry

Mr. Mayfield

Mrs. Kleinert

Ms. Niebruegge

Mrs. Hansard

Mrs. Read

Ms. Shaw

Mrs. Halford

Mrs. Hansard

HES Para

Mrs. Sims

Mrs. Morris

Mrs. Read

Mrs. Talley

Mrs. McCoy

Mrs. Thompson

Mrs. Woodward

Mrs. Goolsby

Ms. Shaw

Mrs. Stewart

Mrs. Moreno

Mrs. Northcutt

Mrs. Bell

Mr. Mayfield

Mrs. Kaye

Mrs. Nicely

Brynn Barger

Kim Morris

Tanner Shaw

Brooke Mills

Angie Duncan

Sarah Goolsby

Jennifer Sims

Ann Bell

Jordan Stubblefield

Jennifer Thompson

Jennifer Sims

Summer Stewart

Kristi Read

Kaila Fox

Sarah Scribner

Shae Price

Casey Cody

Brynn Barger

Camryn Willis

Carol Hansard

Brooke Mills

Gayla Mills

Brock Mayfield

Shayla Shannon

Cassandra Lewis

Jeannie Syverson

Ann Bell

Sheridan Woodward

Ali Magee

Camryn Willis


ELizabeth Nicely


Mrs. Seel

Mrs. Swanson

Ms. Elliott

Ms. Schreiber

Mrs. Hansard

Delight Clements

Luke Shelby

Susie Kaufman

Bethany Berry

Susan Vicars

Demi Baird

Georgeanna, Bianca, Roger


Mrs. Fletcher

Ms. Schaffner

Mrs. Fuentes

Mrs. Whitgrove

Corbin Reed

Jill Jetton

Devian Reed

Terri Whitgrove

Nick Powell

Lindsay Berend

Wynn Essler

Nicki Holbert

Sherie Pierce

Shannon Fletcher

Shannon Morgan

Nick Powell

Terri Whitgrove

LeKoury Smith

Brittney Moore

Kayce Ashley

Mandy Story

Summer Matthews

Coach   Smith

Mrs. Ashley

The Peters


Coach Powell

Mrs. Story

A Barnett


Kendra Bennett